Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Turkey Day!!!

So I know I haven't blogged much since going back to work, and I have A LOT to catch up on too!  But today's topic is Thanksgiving!

Between 1998 and 2000, my Thanksgiving morning would include me waking up insanely early (for a day off school!) and heading to Fort Zumwalt South High School.  It was always freezing, so I don't know what's going on with the high in the 60's today, that would have been awesome weather for us back then!  You see, I was a member of the Marching Bulldog Brigade, and we always competed in the Thanksgiving Day Parade in downtown St. Louis.  Not only did we compete, but we always won the marching competition every year too!  Bet ya didn't even know all those marching bands were competing did ya?  Well we were, and FZS was NOT going to lose! 

I marched the flute my freshman year, and man were my fingers freeeeezing!  Not only was it cold, but I was holding a metal instrument in my hands and holding it to my face, ugh!  This was a change from the dangerously high heats we would march in competitions in the fall ( I remember a particularly hot one in Farmington, MO....and a person actually died there!).  Despite the cold and miserable conditions, it was always something I looked forward to.  My mom would drag my sisters downtown for the parade, and after FZS collected all of our trophies, my family would head down to Ste. Genevieve for our Thanksgiving feast at my Grandma and Grandpa Uding's house. 

Grandma would still have channel 5 on when I walked in, and would be so proud that she found me on TV in the parade.  It brings a tear to my eye today, as she lost her battle with cancer 6 years ago, and I lost one of my biggest fans.  But I'm thankful for the time I had with her, as I reflect on the good times we shared together. 

So as I'm about to go outside and hang the Christmas lights on our house, I'm thinking about all the things I am thankful for wonderful and dedicated husband, my lil doggie family, a healthy baby niece, a close and loving family...I could go on and on. 

So Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  Treasure this time with your loved ones, and don't gain too many pounds gobbling on some turkey!  :P
